The Divorce Chapter

EP49 The 52nd Birthday Chapter: 52 Things to Do on Your Own

Sarah Elizabeth Episode 49

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In this episode of The Divorce Chapter podcast, I’ve been a bit inspired by my 52nd birthday tomorrow, and so giving you "52 Things to Do on Your Own."

Following my divorce, I had to really relearn being on my own, and this escalated even more in the Panny-D. Now, I want to inspire you to find your own joy in alone time, whether you're navigating life after a breakup or simply looking to embrace your independence.

In this episode, you'll discover:

- Practical suggestions for enriching your solo time

- Self-care practices that rejuvenate your spirit

- Creative ideas to ignite your passions

- Adventurous activities to push your boundaries

Some ideas are as simple as taking a peaceful walk or reading a book, while others are more adventurous like planning a solo holiday or exploring an art gallery. This list is all about finding what makes you happy and reclaiming your independence.

I used a previous social media post on this so have linked this here for ease (and as I referenced it):

So have a listen to get inspired and perhaps add a few new activities to your own list. Whether you're newly single or just looking for ways to enjoy your own company, this episode hopefully offers plenty of ideas to keep you entertained and fulfilled.

Oh, and in the episode I mention a Nutella Cheesecake so sharing this here 🥰

You will need: 

1 tub of Nutella 

Bag of chocolate digestive biscuits

A little bit of butter 

2 tubs of cream cheese 

1) Put 250 grams of the biscuits in a bowl - bash them up until crumb like (just think of it as your ex’s head 😂) 

2) Melt a spoonful of butter and mix that with the biscuits 

3) Put a tablespoon of Nutella in the biscuit mix and mix together

4) Put the biscuit mix in a tin and put it in the fridge whilst you make the cheesy chocolatey bit

5) Put both tubs of cream cheese in a bowl and mix the rest of the Nutella together 

6) Once all mixed together and it tastes good, put it on top of the biscuit mix

7) Leave in the fridge overnight and bish bash bosh you are done ❤️

You can put a chocolate orange on top or grate white chocolate on top but whatever you want!!  

So, do enjoy that. You can always eat it whilst reading the book for August in the book club too 😜

It’s Not You: How to Identify and Heal from Narcissistic People by Dr Ramani Durvasula. Dr Ramani is an expert in narcissistic abuse (including non-intimate relationships like a parent or your boss!)

I’d love to see you over there 📚

We started 1 August (but never too late to join as access to all previous books and chapters available to all members)

Link to join below ⬇️

So until next week,

Sending you SO much love



FREE Guide to the 10 MUST read divorce books after divorce



Hello and welcome to the divorce chapter podcast where we turn the unexpected divorce plot twist into happy ever after. And this week after week on codependency, then a week on hyper independence followed by a week on still believing in marriage, we've really kind of gone up and down the spectrum of relationships versus single, right. So I feel like it's been a bit of a mini series almost. But this week, we're yo yoing back to the single end with 52 things to do on our own. And that's also inspired by that tomorrow. If you're listening on the day, the pod drops tomorrow. It's my birthday going to party, like it's my birthday. Well it is my birthday. I'm gonna party anyway. I'll be 52 though, fucking.... eurgh. 52! How the fuck did that happen? Anyway, so, in honour of my birthday, for this week's episode, I decided to turn a previous social media post that I did on 50 things to do on your own, into 52 things to do on your own. And I'm also kind of making it a bit easier for myself as I had my goddaughter's wedding last week. And with the birthday this weekend, I'm a little time and more significantly energy poor. So I figured as I already have 50 ideas, it's not too much of a push to find a couple more. I hope that's okay with you repurposing an old post. I did. But it's just because it's my birthday this weekend. You know, although I can hear some of the potential birthday fucking police amongst you say well it's your birthday tomorrow, not today so sort a proper episode out bitch. But let this girl live. Also think yourselves lucky I went back to birthday weekend, I used to stretch it out to birthday month until my bastard ex husband managed to ruin that one as well with his birthday also in August, fucking typical. Anyway, so yes, 52 things to do on your own, sharing some of the inspo. Although before we do get started, I guess I should also mention that with the wedding last week, and for those who may worry if sherry did indeed kill me, I did survive with zero alcohol go me, in case you were wondering. So let's crack on them with 52 things to do on your own. Now, I originally created this post because it was something that had often come up in coaching conversations around the struggle to entertain ourselves when we're newly single, that when we've spent years with a ready made plus one, we've often not had the space on our own much. And so when we are suddenly on our own, it feels terrifying, because we haven't got to think of someone else first for a change. And maybe we can't fall back on joint hobbies that we had or something, you know, so all of a sudden, being alone becomes a hell of a lot more scary. And the thing that used to come up for a lot of people still does come up for a lot of people is what do I actually do? Like, if there's no one to go out with? What do I do? Cuz you know, we can when we're married, we end up just doing the shit the husband wants to do or the kids or whoever and people pleasing. And so when we find ourselves solo, we just haven't got a clue, we don't actually know what to do to fill our time. And so I created this list as just a bit of a possible shopping list almost I suppose that you can tick off as and when. Some are a bit basic. Some take longer than others, some may need a little bit of planning. Some might seem a bit frivolous, but all are just some ideas to hopefully inspire you if you are feeling a bit bored and in danger of downloading Tinder when you really don't want to do that. So let's go. Pause quickly now if you need to grab a notebook to jot things down but I will leave a link to the original post in the show notes below.  Anyway, okay, so number one, go for a walk. I told you some are basic, but I challenge you to come up with 52 bloody ideas. But seriously, a walk has so many benefits and it just isn't always something we think of doing. You know unless we've got a dog and we have to do it, we just don't think of just going for a walk. Now I started going for daily walk in the panny D when the coffee shops first opened for takeaways. I'd lived in the village for years, but never really explored before I just drove everywhere. So I started using the COVID daily exercise limit, whatever it was fucking called walking as a way of like freeing myself from my own company 24 Bloody seven. And once the coffee shops opened, it was kinda like my destination, as I probably did find it a bit weird to start with just walking with nowhere to go, like, where do you stop and turn around to come back. So I'd walk to the coffee shop, get me oat latte and walk back again, which was about two and a half miles, three miles. And then I started to extend the walks, especially at weekends, and I found fields and foot paths and all that I never even knew existed even though I'd been there for years. It was beautiful. And even though I've now moved to a town, so it is a bit different. I still walk every day. But it makes such a difference. So yeah, start with maybe walking to somewhere like a coffee shop if that's easier. I mean, I'll chuck me air pods in and listen to podcasts. So I get some exercise fresh air and personal development in one. And I can't wait to get a dog to take and all but anyway. So on to number two read a fiction book. I don't read as much fiction now as I used to because I'm all about the self development nowadays. But every now and then it makes such a lovely escape and there's something so gorgeously luxurious about escaping to another place in your mind whilst you're sitting comfortably on your sofa or in the garden or whatever. I've recently read actually the Sophie Kinsella book I haven't honestly read fiction for such a long time. But my son bought me this book, it was called the burnout and it just was so lovely and chilled and just, you know, great vibes. So yeah, read a book. Number three, get a massage. Now Yeah, I know this can cost but also look into colleges and stuff because they've often got student offers available. Like it's really good for self care and super relaxing. Unless you like it hard. Oooh-er. Okay, moving, moving swiftly on. Number four, paint your nails or go get them done. Sometimes we just don't get ourselves a little bit of love and attention, you know. Number five, have a nap. Yeah know, you're like what the fuck? A nap? What am i three? I know, I know. But there's really something very extravagant, about taking yourself off for a nap in the middle of the day, like sunbathing or holiday vibes. And actually, for me with Crohn's, I get super, ridiculously fatigued, like 95% of the time. And this idea that somehow taking a nap or having a rest is wrong. It's actually really pretty damaging. Listen to your body. And if it wants a nap, for the love of God, give it one.  Number six, download a boxset now this comes with a bit of a trigger warning because if you are feeling ever sad about being single, or sad about your divorce or just sad, don't watch a romantic boxset the chick flicks the movies about love Disney, you know, all that shit is not always helpful at this time. Go for something inspiring or something that can get you thinking may be. Number seven, meditate. Yes, I know. I know. A lot of us don't like this because it can be hard because our brains are racing ten to the dozen, or whatever the saying is. And the 60 to 80,000 thoughts we're supposed to every day feel like they're coming in just one minute I get it. But training ourselves to be mindful of focusing on the present. I can't tell you enough just how healing is and how amazing it is for our nervous system. Let's start small, you don't have to like, you know, sit there like a Buddha for 30 minutes or one hour a day. I learned it on the Calm app. Like it had a 30 day or summit 28 day 30 Day Summit, learn to meditate program and it was so good. But there are loads loads of meditations on the free app called Insight Timer. Look it up. It's got guided meditations if you need someone in your ear bringing you back when the mind wanders. It's got music or sounds to meditate to it's got timers, it's got a lot so do give that a go. On to number eight, do a yoga session on YouTube. Now just like with walking, moving your body is great for regulating the nervous system, which is super needed when we might be in fight or flight through breakup. And with Yoga is not only like a pretty gentle way to move our bodies, but it is also in itself pretty meditative. So if you do struggle to sit and meditate and I'm not talking sat cross legged, like a Buddha like I said with your palms facing up and chanting, just if you struggle to get into meditation, full stop, no matter how what you try, give yoga a go because it is really super meditative. Or number nine, journal, you should know by now, I love a good journal, sesh journaling is the cheapest form of therapy. Now, there's a ton of ways to journal and I did a whole episode on it in the early days of the pod. So do go back and give that one a listen for ideas. But if all else fails, just a good old brain dump works wonders. And one way that brain dump can also be useful if you dump out all your hopes and dreams and goals and all that shizzle which can then lead us on to number 10, which is make a vision board. Now, again, I did a whole couple of episodes about going deep into designing our next chapter in creating a vision after divorce. And within those I did talk about vision boards, you can make a physical one or good old one on Canva whatever works.  Number 11. Go to an art gallery. Now this is a bit rogue but you know, channel your inner Charlotte from Sex and the City maybe I don't know, I'm not personally into art. So no idea what to look for. But I was trying to make this list a bit more diverse, you know. So back to more of what I know now with number 12. Read a self development book. Now you know, I'm always talking about personal development books. And that's because they can change your goddamn life. All that expertise, all that knowledge to living your best goddamn life for less than a tenner. Less than a tenner. What better investment yourself even is there? Tell me tell me what is it, there isn't so read a self development book, and also on living our best lives? How about number 13? Watch a TED Talk. Now TED talks are basically videos that present an amazing idea. In I think it's 18 minutes or less. And they're filmed at special places, there are special TED conferences and TEDx events and all that she's all there is every subject you can possibly imagine. There's technology, there's research, there's business, there's artists, as scientists, designers, there's loads of other world experts who all take to the stage to present their, what's it their ideas worth putting. So let's use their knowledge. Okay, from brain power to physical power with another random one, with number 14, you should know I'm a bit random by now, but number 14 is move the furniture. Now bear with me. I know it sounds a little bit nuts. And I also know some people haven't got the room to do this to really do it properly. In fact, I probably haven't now anyway. You'd be amazed at how much shifting furniture around can give a room a whole new look without touching a tin of paint. I used to do this loads and honestly it changes shit like you would not believe. You know, my eldest son and his family a couple of years ago, they had to move up to Scotland for about 18 months for his job. So they shipped up all their furniture or rented out the house while they were up there. And then when I came back, again, the removal company brought all the furniture back down. And because like my son and that were coming back, they weren't there at the time. And had the littleys, so the removal company just put all the furniture back in their house. And their lounge, the living room whatever you want to call it. It was completely different to how it had been set out before completely. Now we'd sat in that living room. How many fucking times I didn't never ever thought that there was something much better way to set everything out. Honestly try it it changes rooms like you would not believe. And if you have any doubts, try number 15 Just feng shui. Now, I've talked about this before, it's an ancient Chinese practice, that it's got a lot of modern takes on it now. And it's basically about the placement of furniture and stuff in the home and clearing clutter and crap that might block the flow of energy. And I did talk a bit about it on the woo curious woo dubious episode. And that each of the areas of the home is divided into nine areas, which each area is called a bagua. And then you start with a compass, you work out which area your baguas are in. And then each of the areas mean something like the wealth area is in the southeast area, of your home health in middle love and relationships is in the south, west. And the aim is to basically declutter the areas you're focusing on and think about the colours, and positioning of stuff, or that kind of shizzle to basically help the energy in that bagua. So anyway, the point of this episode is to do things on your own. So just saying you can learn this shit and teach me. But if moving the furniture and placing things is not your bag, it's the number 16 I've chucked in decorating, bog standard decorating, fresh lick of paint, wallpaper, wherever you feel like we can do the blue jobs. In fact, it's actually I used to do all the decorating when I was married, because he was shit at it but anyway,  More energetically, again, for number 17 then, go for a run. I mean, I don't run unless someone's chasing me. And even then I might think about it. Oh, I might run for the ice cream van. But seriously, running is taking it up a level from walking. And good for you apparently. You've got the couch to 5k app that gives you something to aim for why not give that a go. Or going back to something less energetic, far less impact on the old knees as well. Number 18. planning new recipes. Now, this might be another one that seems a bit random. But I don't know about you. I ended up sometimes just cooking the same old shit on repeat. And I was talking to my daughter in law about this recently and that I'm basically fundamentally lazy when it comes to cooking. I was saying that I'd love to employ a private chef to save me the bother, that or might even forego my happily single status as if there's a chef involved, which James Martin if you're listening, just saying in the absence of a chef. Sometimes it's just good fun to get some inspiration and ideas from going through recipes and there are Shitloads online. So if you haven't got any recipe books, you can still do this. On to number 19. Sorting photos into albums, now this is maybe less so nowadays, because a lot of our photos are digital, right? But if you're a bit old school like me, I do still like to get my faves printed off. And I've still got Shitloads from when the kids were little that are just randomly chucked  in a box. So how about organising them. And if that feels too much like hard work how about number 20, have a relaxing bath. Just like a daytime nap. A daytime bath is super luxurious. Or number 21 An adult colouring book. I used to find it very therapeutic when the kids were small nicking their pens and taking over their colouring and telling them off for crossing the lines, no I didn't really nowadays they've got some really great adult versions. I bought a mate of mine who was going for chemo, I bought a good sweary one to keep her mind occupied. Don't knock it until you try it. It's very therapeutic. Or back to high energy. If you feel that way. Do a HIIT workout High Intensity Interval Training HIIT workout, a bit of cardio for 30 seconds rest for 10 or whatever. There's tons of variations. All again, mostly free on YouTube. Just don't ask me to do a burpee, I fucking hate them whatever Joe wicks says. Anyway, moving on number 23. Plan your budget, which I know is a bit of a boring one. But one of those life jobs that adulting occasionally requires and I'm gonna get a money expert on the pod. But, you know, in the meantime, at least work out not to spend more than coming in maybe I really should take my own advice. So moving on 24 Give yourself a facial. Again, you could pay for one or go to a college which is always lovely but you can give yourself a nice one too, when you go for a nice facial right, they're all like gentle. You know when they're taking your makeup off or whatever they will like gentle cleansing with soft pads that smell lovely and all of that. And I bet you anything like me when you take your makeup off, it's really rough and ready. I'm talking about facial still, get your mind out of the gutter. But yeah, try to treat your gorgeous face with a bit of love, or 25. Watch a comedy. Because sometimes, and especially when we're feeling a bit sorry for ourselves. A bloody good laugh is such great therapy.  Number 26 oooh 26. We're halfway through 52, lets celebrate with a nice one, plan a solo holiday. What is lovelier than a nice holiday. Now you don't have to wait for someone to go with. Again, there's an episode on this as well. Be a travel agent for yourself for the afternoon and dream up somewhere amazing to go. And if you haven't quite got the money from the budget quite yet. Then chuck it on the vision board. Number 27. Sort your wardrobe. I love this one. Because I guarantee you will always find a whole new outfit that's been there all along and you just bloody forgot about it. Plus, it's good for having a clear out and give to charity. Or you can get it on vinted which is then actually two things to do in one for that one, sort the wardrobe and sell it on vinted. So then on to 28 go to the coffee shop. And I know I sort of added this in the go for a walk one but that was more about a destination for walk. This one is to actually go to a coffee shop. Sit in, take a book people watch, just chill out romanticize it because you bloody can. Or 29 do a random act of kindness that could be simply paying it forward when you're in the coffee shop. Oh, it might be something like sending an old school letter to an older person, like a grandparent, they love a letter or sending flowers to someone just because not not because it's their birthday not because they're poorly not because they're goingthrough shit, just because. Or offer to pick up shopping for an elderly neighbour or mum who you can see is really bloody struggling even offering to babysit or walk their dog or something. Just doing something completely lovely. For just no reason at all spreads unbelievable levels of joy it's joyful. Or number 30 get a makeover. Now all the big name brands at the bigger boots stores or department stores and whatever usually offer free makeup sessions so obviously it's a try and sell you something but if you can, it gives you a really nice boost and gives you some new ideas you know. 31 go to the cinema yes go to the cinema on your own. If there was a film that you'd absolutely love to watch, but just nobody to go with school on your own. It's dark anyway so no one gives a fuck apart from you. Buy a massive thing of popcorn and bloody enjoy it. Or 32 make a playlist and now not sad breakup songs playlist a feel good playlist you know those songs that always get you singing along as though you're Whitney Houston or someone. Well actually maybe not her cos she's dead, Oh, pink, Taylor bloody swift I dunno just those songs that make you feel good. Get them together in a playlist for when you need a bit of a boost and you can just press play. And then number 33 dance. Dance in your kitchen dance in your living room. I don't care where just shake it and boogie. Boogie god I sound old but seriously, it's great for the mood and brain as well as the body. Or if you really haven't got the energy number 34 listen to a podcast. Now do not tell me that you don't know what to listen to. If all else fails, listen to this one because for the purposes of this things to do episode I worked out. I know I'm sad. That up to and including last week's episode of the divorce chapter podcast. I've done 1367 minutes so far, which is nearly 23 hours. So no excuses.  Okay 35 write a letter. I touched on this in the random acts of kindness one but then we all love loving love getting an old school letter like on real paper and everything. And I know stamps cost a ridiculous amount of money nowadays, but keep the post men and women in jobs and all that. 36 plan your goals for the next month. If you've done your vision board one, you'll know what your big, hairy, scary life goals are right? But often what we then tend to do is we sit down on January the first and we write our new year ressies and then we don't look at them again for another year where they haven't changed at all because we've done fuck all so like, having a mini goal setting and review session every month. Kind of keeps us on track to actually get shit done, just saying. Or number 37 Pinterest new hair. Now, I know I definitely get stuck in hair rut and do the same old shit over and over again and I bet you probably do as well. So a bit like the makeover one can give us new makeup ideas. Get yourself on Pinterest and look for some new hair ideas. Just don't go all drastic and cut it all off. You know, break up. hair cut. One usually regrets that I know I did it myself once. Big mistake, Huge. 38, do a Sudoku, Sudoku Sudoku puzzle, whatever that or a crossword or Wordle. Oh, I love a bit of wordle. Oh, do you know what as well I recently found I don't know, I'm probably everyone knows about this. and going what do you mean only recently.  Stupid woman. I recently found quordle, which is basically like four lots of wordle. At the same time. I didn't even know this existed. Why didn't I know about this, or you can do in that sequence thing. And it's hugely addictive. And there's unlimited practice goes. So you don't have to do just one a day and then have to wait 24 hours, you have another one that's good for the mind. 39 do a jigsaw puzzle. Because they are another one that's completely bloody good for mindfulness and also a bit bloody addictive. So about you. Or 40 FaceTime your bestie, because I think we often get so head down in texts that we miss out on that vital connection, which for those of us which are newly single and struggling, we need more than ever. 41 learn a language. There's so many apps and shit for this now, so why not a bit of fun and learn something and then when you're next on holiday, maybe even that solo holiday you've planned you can show it off a bit. Forty two bake a cake. Now I wasn't one who got caught up in the whole panny D banana bread thing. As I said, I'm a lazy fucker. And I need a private chef. But it is quite rewarding to bake a nice cake and to be able to lick the spoon yourself, then get tp eat it all yourself although if you are a bit lazy like me, I have got a beauts recipe for a nutella cheese cake that involves zero baking, so I can leave it in the show notes for you if you fancy it. 43 Sign up for a webinar. Now. Some of these you might have to pay for but there are, a bit like the TED Talk thing, hundreds of subjects and people doing this. Udemy is really I don't know how to say that. I never know how to say it. It's u d e m y Udemy Udemy whatever it's called. Anyway, apparently that has got over 200,000 courses so no excuse for it. 44 write a story. This one was probably my five year old self talking and even now you know what even now I've got a list on my phone with about another 30/35 ideas for novels One day One day there but also done a lot of magazines and she had a short story comps and all that. I don't know you might even win something because Well who knows. So no short stories aren't my thing. I want to write books. Anyway 45 learn about something of interest which is probably a bit similar to udemy or whatever it's called but I don't actually mean a webinar or course and that when I was thinking about this when I originally done the post but learn a bit about other stuff like I love a bit of social history so I'll look up stories about how people lived in different eras and stuff and not as much history as in a general thing but like individual little stories, isn't it I love shit like that I don't know. But just something could be interest. I mean that really, really interest you that isn't a course, isn't like learning for to achieve something just because you're interested you know? Or 46 Spring Clean now if you fancy channeling your inner Mrs. Hinch, Stacey Solomon, then this is always a good one and get some energy out as well. And also don't you just love sitting down in a beautiful room after a good bloody scrub? And also we had that dear loves just breathe episode with Elisa for decluttering advice as well. So yep, that's a good one.  47 visit somewhere new. Now, I bet wherever you live, however long you've lived in this somewhere nearby that you've never ever been to? I bet there is. Have a look, check it out. 48. Watch a documentary. I was clearly running low here. But also, I'm a bit of a true crime girl. You know, I think a lot of us social workers are weirdly but yeah, watch a documentary if you fancy that. 49 research a new purchase, which is also another strange random one. But how many times? Do we decide that we need something. And we absolutely have to have it immediately without doing any research. And I take the piss out of my eldest son because he loves a bloody spreadsheet. Everything's compared for quality price, you name it, he loves a spreadsheet. So I do take the piss a bit. But if there is something big that you're looking at getting do a bit of digging on it all first gives you something to focus on. Fifty, look into volunteering. And that might be summit to fill your time and give you a bit of meaning. And I think I've taught I said before about there's a, if you Google volunteering near me, Shitloads comes up. And you know, whether it's domestic abuse charities, they always need volunteers HomeStart to help families or animals or food banks a big one right now with a cost of living might as well. So have a think about that. And then 51 a gratitude list. Now I know I bang on about this sometimes. But gratitude truly is one of the best things you can do to raise your vibe and put you in a good place. Now, I know when the whole world is falling apart, and everything that can go wrong does go wrong. And someone like me then bangs on about gratitude. You just want to scream at me and tell me to fuck off which you wouldn't be the first. But you know what, and you probably don't really want to know what but I'm gonna say it anyway. It really is. When times are so shit. That's when gratitude comes into its own. You know, do you know what its really easy to be thankful if you're sunning yourself on a five star beach somewhere with no money worries, no work worries, and you're all loved up. But in the middle of a divorce when your ex is trying to screw you for every penny and generally being a complete asshole. And like someone you don't even know, let alone married, then then not so much, so I get it. But this is when it's important to like, take a step back and look around for all that you do have. It might not be what you used to have, you know, but if you're listening to this, then you've clearly got Wi Fi, and a phone or laptop or whatever that you're listening to, right. And if you've got that, then you most likely also have a roof over your head, right. And we've got food we can get our basic needs met. And there's an awful lot of people in today's world who still don't have that they still can't have their basic needs met. We're not waking up to bombs and genocide, we are alive. Even if it's scraping the barrel, I promise you, there is always at least one thing or one person you can be so grateful for. And then imagine being without that one thing or that one person just for seconds. And then feel how thankful you can be then because most of our shitty staff are generally firstworldproblems. Right? There is always someone out there who would do anything to have your life, even if you can't see it right now. So you know, just try it. So that's nearly it. Hope that's helped give you a bit of inspiration, at least for some things to do when you find yourself on your own. But also share any more ideas you've got like and also maybe share the episode on socials with your ideas added or something.  So that was 51 Number 52. Well, I had to get a dodgy segue in there somewhere didn't I? So number 52 is to join the divorce book club. If you haven't done it yet, why not? We started the August book yesterday, which is it's not you by Dr. Ramani Durvasula, and it's all about identifying and healing from narcissistic people. So give me a lovely birthday gift by joining us. And it's also good for you to right because anything that helps us get over bloody narcissist is a gift that can keep on giving. We started yesterday, but honestly, it's never too late to join. And there we go. We made it 52 things to do. I feel like 82 now Nevermind 52 I think I need to lie down I need that daytime nap. So that's it. I'm off to start on the mocktails. My current one of choice is almalfi spritz, if anyone's interested, which is like a zero alcohol version of Aperol, I bloody love it so yes. Thank you for sharing my birthday with me through this episode that is in itself a gift. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I will be back in your beautiful earbuds again next week. So I'm sending you so much love. Until then.

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